NTA. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. NTA and I would've called the cops for the slashed tires. I'd be livid, and they would stay uninvited. Bottom line, it's your mom's party and she decides who she wants there. NTA - Your family sound like psychopaths. Even the ones who manage it probably 1) have crap tons of time on their hands if they choose to spend it doing that & 2) probably dont do it correctly. Its a very dangerous prank. What awful people. Ha ha, so funny, what a prank! And maybe, just maybe your dad and other family members involved will get some personal growth out of this and grow up to be a proper men. Am I crazy or is OPs bf a saint for putting up with this for so long? I'm almost done and it's been a lifelong dream of my mother's to have her children graduate from college. She wont. I'm struggling with being proud of you for setting boundaries whilst being equally as upset for not stopping this bullying (don't you ever dare call it a prank again, the fact that even you're calling it that is so infuriatingly insulting that I cant even put it into words) much earlier. NTA, but your fiance deserves a better woman. I thought that's the person doing the work, just wasn't sure where he'd be working; sometimes my English just says bye haha, Mechanic is a good word! These are not pranks. slashing tires is not a prank, it's a crime, hiding someone's medical device/medication (especially if prescribed) is also a crime, not a prank, Pranks mean no one gets hurt, this isnt pranking this is straight up bullying. Typical snowflakes if you ask me. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. I'm 33 M and I recently went back to college for a BFA. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/AmItheAsshole, Comments are in random ordering and vote scores are hidden. Your male family members sound like toxic sexist AH, who love bullying under the pretense of how manly they are. Hes already living in fear but so far has decided his love for you is worth it, but how far can that stretch? I had a fever of 102 by the time he got the boot. Indeed and "it's just stuff men do..' No, no it isn't. He'd still be here if his thinking wouldn't have been "I'm not going to the doctor, they just find things wrong with you." As someone with severe asthma I am absolutely infuriated on Tim's behalf. It's just a prank! After making a decision that tore his family in half, he visited the "Am I the A**hole?" Or the time they slashed his tired??? Cut her some slack. Take it from someone who has a nonexistent relationship with their sibling due to failed communications, it's not worth it. Timmy also needs to stand up for himself. Maybe see what your cousin has to say (BC the nature of his panicking, it might be that he wants to genuinely apologise, at least that's how I've read it,) but as far as I'm concerned you'd be better cutting them all off. It isn't easy to do; it isn't easy to learn when to do it. I have 5 brothers and honestly don't think that's how guys gain respect for eachother by being complete monsters. You are also TA for condoning their behavior up to this point. Sounds sick to me all around. Sometimes, even when we are justified in going no contact, we can later regret it, and then the whole argument for it in the first place feels less important and we focus on what we can never have. Yeah- it bothers me that OP calls slashing someone's tires is "a prank". However, it should have happened much sooner. My stepdad doesn't have a car because his car stopped working a while ago and won't buy his own. Also tell the four muppets that it's 2022 and it is not normal to bully the man your daughter/sister/niece/cousin wants to marry. They literally admitted to attempted murder, I mean the husband could always put a stop to those challenges but the fact that they hid the inhaler is unforgivable. The relationship is ruined, so why not enjoy it a little bit. Um, hey. Being in that environment sounds toxic as hell. Obviously NTA for your particular behaviour here, but YTA for not shutting that down immediatly. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. To keep the peace they just put up with it. NTA-a set of tires can cost $1000 to replace. So basically your family members thought it'd be funny to see him end up in a life threatening situation. This is toxic masculinity and for what exactly? Asthma can be fatal, that's not a risk I would want to take. Id tell them since they suck so much at life they can sit at the house and play pranks on one another and if mommy wants to get involved, she can sit her ass at the house with them as well. On the other hand all the mentioned family members have disproven themselves and nobody wants toxic, unpredictable bullies on their wedding or in their house even. Hill to die on is a good metaphor because an asthmatic can die without his inhaler. NTA. I'm firmly with you on banning them from the wedding (and, honestly, everything else too). Lots of things can go wrong and they have no idea how big it can be until it hits them on the head. They aren't men. Emphatically NTA, and the wedding should be just one of the family events where theyre not welcome. Your male relations are bullies. And honestly? OP, how have you not filed a police report?? You need to set things straight immediately that he comes first or else this will be the end of your relationship. I feel bad for OP because this kind of thing is normal for them. Would they still fuck with him if there was a chance hed pound them into the ground like a fence post? I think those types of people also sometimes have some deep down feelings of envy, too, over getting degrees, but mostly they just hate that colleges help a lot of people to develop critical thinking skills and helps teens to grow up and break out of the small-town or suburb way of existing because they get exposed to lots of different people of different races and views and religions for the first time, and many find out the things thier parents said about those "others" are not true at all. You dont hide an inhaler away from someone. This is constant bullying and it'll never stop. Tell them that your wedding is childfree and they can come when they grow up. NTA. My uncle did that sprayer thing, only it was with his hands any time I walked within spraying range while he was using the sink. Glad you're moving on. I have endometriosis. AITA for uninviting my dad from my graduation and telling him I never want to see him again? Your fianc is a trooper for putting up with them. NTA. It doesn't matter. Agreed. Let them sulk. NTA. Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. He died of the cancer 3 weeks ago. What a bunch of toxic people. These arent pranks. NTA. Gross. These are crimes, not pranks, and for adults to feed off each other like this is incredibly disturbing. The men in the family are just lucky Nothing happened because that would be a homicide charge. HIDING HIS INHALER? Cut them off and reported them for property damage to law enforcement. That is what they are clear and simple and now their pranks have turned deadly. Stick to your guns, because what happens if you decide to have kids and have a son?? He deserves so much better honestly. My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. Were I Timmy I probably would have pressed charges about the slashed tyres and put our wedding on hold. Ask them how they would like mug shots and restraining orders and if THOSE, decorating your guest sign in table, would increase their respect for you as a couple. And the inhaler is really helpful but they probably wont need to call an ambulance if I dont have it and cough we dont know that my bronchi will stick with inflamed enough to not be able to talk or move around doing tasks of daily living. Its not something that keeps me up at night, even if I have recently started coughing outside the house (before COVID) when I didnt have my inhaler because I hadnt needed it when I didnt have a cold for years. Recently, he TOLD ME he was taking my car to see his bio son. evetytime anyone reaches out to beg op to re-invite them, I'd send them a new article about someone who died/almost died because of a lack of an inhaler. Maybe even treat them in the exact same way. Someone questioning their own sanity and ability to differentiate between harmful bullying and harmless Pranking. This is a hill to die on. Bye . Deconditioning that crap takes time and effort and space and exposure to how people should behave - and guarantee that OP wasn't getting that guidance from the enabling mom. OP this is a hill worth dying on. Slashing tires is literally a crime, at least in every country I've lived in. Tomorrow it will be your son. Ask them who was going to be the one to explain to his family if he died. is that the right term? OP has to show Tim that she is on his side no matter what. Soooo NTA. Knowledge and wisdom are threatening to people with small minds. And if someone almost killed my husband over a ill-planned prank they definitely wouldn't be invited into our lives anymore either. Something they weren't at all worried about. Otherwise leave Tim and let him find someone that will respect him enough to not let her family torture. Op's SO is much more patient than mine would be. NTA. What respect can you have for the family members pushing you to ignore this violent, aggressive and potentially harmful behavior? I was living with them and did what he wanted. This is THE hill to die on. Your dad should be proud if he actually values those things and it truly is why tested your fianc. At my birthday they got me a PS5 last year and a new Xbox this year. Do not invite them back! They slashes his tires and you did what? And I'd say their behavior is not funny nor normal. What type of relationship does your dad have with your siblings? Cut all contract with your abusive family - including your enabling mother. I think the best thing you could do for yourself is to go no-contact with your father. Came here to say thismy tires are expensive afthis isnt a prank its a crime, Not to mention slashing tires is a straight up crime. NTA, please protect your fiancee from these toxic, manipulative nasty people. Strength is setting boundaries, power is enforcing those boundaries. Keep your nice shiny spine and keep standing up for your partner. Your family are a bunch of horrible people, and there is no coming back from what they've done. i cant blame OP because she is too young, she cant probably go no contact with them and the fiance would be in worse situations after the wedding. Which is what you're doing. This is nauseating. Wow I wonder how manly they would be if your poor partner suffered a major attack and sadly passed. But say they are just pranking him. Youre asking the wrong question. It really fucking is. Slashing someone else's tires is full on illegal. Plugs are only good for punctures more then an inch or two away from the sides. Slashing tires? These aren't pranks. pranks have no lasting impact, aside from a shared laugh in the future. OP if you see this have your fiance go slash each and everyone of their tires and when they inevitably freak out throw the prank back right in their face."WhAT He WaS JuSt pRaNkInG aNd TeStInG yOuR "MaNhOoD": these family members are just pure evil and have no respect for either of you. This goes way beyond a "prank". The spares too if they were mounted externally. I wonder if they did one to see if he knew how to put on a spare tire. You're lucky Tim is tje guy he is. This is 200% bullying bordering on harrassment and they need to be punished accordingly. See how man enough they are for the legal system. Honestly that was pretty rude of her but unless her actions were specifically malicious I don't think she is the asshole NAH These are the intensifyingly cruel acts of a mob towards someone they view as an outsider. Your fianc has nothing to prove to anyone, all this is is toxic, insecure men making someone they see as a THREAT feel small. My life (in my childish head) was crushed. NTA but why would you let it escalate to this point? We had multiple meetings and conversations to mend our relationship where he'd shed crocodile tears but we'd always end up having a blowout argument where he would say awful things and we wouldn't speak for months. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. He also gets occasional chest pain. Theyre clearly boys, not men. Read this before contacting the mod team. YTA for allowing this to go for as long as it did. Like if NTA was like the golden buzzer in Got Talent, OP would still be NTA. Just a rug sweeper cause family.. That's only if they were "man enough" to tell her the truth. These are not pranks. Seriously what would have happened if he needed his inhaler desperately and he couldn't get at it? NTA, and just go NC with the whole lot - even your mom, because she clearly supports this shit. All they're doing is alienating you and your man from the rest of the family. I don't think I am the asshole because I suffered years of his abuse and don't feel I deserve to be spoken to like that. You gotta step up for your man, yourself, and your future children because no way this stops at the wedding. Did they pay to replace his slashed tires? The fun is just bullying and your dad, uncle, and cousins are toxic as fuck. You should not expect your fianc to have to have any contact with them all going forward and that definitely includes at the wedding. Look, it's just like those 'allergy' people. Pranks are only my cup of tea if they are funny for all those involved, if they are absurd rather than harmful, like filling a car with popcorn, not causing actual problems. Jump off that ledge! Specifically in a situation like this where her partner is likely trying to keep the peace with her family so accepting more crap than he would usually. NTA. Or not even cut them off, just make sure I am not in the position where they could do that to me again e.g. They probably don't realize how fucked up it is. And they could have hurt him. I hope she doesnt cut off the family for him, but for herself. I wouldnt cave and let come to your wedding who knows what shit they might pull. This is very petty and I dont actually recommend it, but if you really want to ram your point home just be like Im marrying Tim BECAUSE hes not the same kind of man you are lol. ESH - uninviting them is the right thing to do but overall its just really fucking sad that your asshole family had to get to the point where they were risking Tims life before you decided to grow a spine. I almost never respond to posts, but I went through almost this exact situation with my father and sympathize with you heavily. Thats what theyre doing to her fianc. This is hazing. Let mom know your full feeling and the risks they took. My dad said that he didnt know if he would be able to attend because I have not put the past behind us. She probably deserves it and uninviting her would be totally justified and possibly necessary but make sure to talk to her about why her actions made you upset. Damn your dad is awful. He was supposed to be the adult who loved and protected you, instead he manipulated and gaslight you in some of the most pivotal years of your life (so far). Your relatives arent funny, they are aggressive and harmful and your fianc shouldnt have to see them ever again, it is on them to realise the seriousness of their behaviour and make amends. When they cry, they can be told real men meet their financial obligations or post their own bail. Obviously, OP is NTA for booting them from the wedding. Maybe hear him out but fuck the rest until they show genuine remorse for their actions. Imagine what kind of "prank" they would pull at a wedding with a large audience. What would they have done then? 1) I doubt she's using his real name. Slashing his tyres? After texting thier wives for the address haha. NTA. NTA. Id take this opportunity to get them out of your life permanently. I, unfortunately, made the mistake of giving in and inviting my father to my graduation. You need to go NC. Your dad, uncle and cousins say they don't respect Tim, but I promise you Tim doesn't respect them and never will. Same here. this type of toxic masculinity is why men die so much more often from accidents and suicide. Someone who has a nonexistent relationship with my father and sympathize with you on banning from! Booting them from the very beginning have 5 brothers and honestly do n't think 's! 'Re doing is alienating you and your man, yourself, and cousins are toxic as.! Cops for the slashed tires by being complete monsters they might pull men do.. 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